The following description of the planet Enya in the Sabrena’s
"i" star system is taken from the 287th Edition of
Hamilton’s Guide to the Federation.
Star System: Sabrena’s "i"
Location: -159.9, -132.4, +11.3 (Third Quadrant)
Enya is the fourth planet circling the G-class star Sabrena’s
"i" located in Quadrant Three. It is home for Third
Fleet Academy and Starbase Flying Cloud, a Type-79 starbase that
orbits the planet in a geosynchronous orbit above the Academy. Starbase Flying
Cloud is a major Federation facility in the Quadrant. In addition to
over 9,000 residents, numerous trade delegations, and several embassies,
it also contains Third Fleet Headquarters. Eleven Starfleet ships are
homeported there.
The planet is classified as Class M and environmental conditions are
Earth-like. A day lasts 26 Earth hours and the year is 360 days long.
Gravity is 95% of Earth’s. Because its orbit is inclined on 1.45% from
the ecliptic, Enya’s climate is perpetually spring-like. Temperatures
on the planet range from 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, cooling down to
the upper 60s at night. Rainfall is evenly spread throughout the year,
with an annual average of 25 inches. Classified as sub-tropical, Enya
possesses magnificent forests, broad plains, and rolling hills. The
planet is tectonically quiet.
There are only two mountain ranges, both of which are on the larger
of the two continental masses. The highest and longest range, the
Crystal Highlands, is situated in the middle of the continent and runs
north and south; while the second mountain range, named The Crossovers,
runs east and west, bisecting the Crystal Highlands and forming a
"T." Vast deposits of Dilithium Crystals are located
throughout the Crystal Highlands. Numerous cracking plants ensure a
steady flow of this extremely important substance to the Federation and
a constant source of income for the planet.
At the junction of Crystal Highlands and The Crossovers is a
geological mystery named the Tears of Vayle. Small, tear-drop-shaped
crystals lie in profusion on the ground in a five square kilometer area.
These crystals range in size from 10mm to 12cm and come in a variety of
colors. Each color produces a different effect and the level of the
effect varies with Tear size. Blue Tears produce a calming effect on any
nearby individual. Purple Tears can reproduce any music to which they
are exposed and are "reprogrammed" with ease. Green Tears
induce a deep, refreshing sleep in humanoids. Black Tears absorb light,
and White Tears generate light. Their origin is unknown and they are
unique in Federation space. Access to the Tears of Vayle and removal of
these oddities are strictly controlled
North of the "T" are the Plains of Rohan, which cover
approximately 250,000 square kilometers. Almost completely flat, the
Plains of Rohan are composed of rich loam, numerous rivers, and abundant
sunshine. As a result, it has developed into a major agricultural center
in the Quadrant. Every transplanted species of vegetation, brought to
Enya from hundreds of other planets, has flourished in this area, and
crops are as varied as they are prolific. Numerous Federation
agricultural stations have been established in the Plains.
South of the "T" lies the Mirkwood Forest. Covering almost
as much area as the Plains of Rohan, Mirkwood Forest boasts some of the
largest trees in the Federation. Reaching an average height of 400 feet,
the trees of Mirkwood are home for more than 2,000 different kinds of
animals and birds, many of which have yet to be named. Wood from
Mirkwood is highly prized and extremely expensive. Its multi-colored,
intricately veined texture is sought after by woodworkers throughout the
Federation. The Forest is carefully guarded, and cutting operations are
strictly controlled.
To the east of the Crystal Highlands is a vast, wild area called East
Farthing. Isolated as it is from the remainder of the continent by the
Crystal Highlands, it is virtually unexplored. The Academy uses portions
of East Farthing for survival training.
Starlight, the largest city on Enya, is situated on the west side of
the continent, not far from Third Fleet Academy. A large, natural harbor
in the shape of a "C" opens into the planet’s main ocean,
the Orinoco Flow. A large river, the Brandywine, flows through Starlight
and empties into the harbor.
Although the city sprawls over a 100 square kilometer area and offers
every conceivable convenience, including shopping areas, museums, and
art galleries, it retains a small-town atmosphere. Doors are seldom
locked and the crime rate is virtually non-existent. Five-star hotels
and restaurants are sprinkled throughout the city, making it a favorite
place of epicureans. The Silk Stocking District of Starlight is famous
throughout the Third Quadrant as a favorite rest and relaxation spot for
Starfleet personnel. Numerous bars, game rooms, baths, and spas cater to
every possible whim of males and females alike.
Some 50 kilometers off the coast of Starlight are the Ommadawn Cays,
a series of small islands offering deep-sea fishing and diving
opportunities. Several three-masted schooners and one square-rigged
"tall ship" sail the Cays on a leisurely schedule.
There are several smaller cities on Enya, including Hearst Ridge,
Spanish Earth, Sunset, Three Sisters, and Delesandri Downs. Each city
contributes differently to Enya’s economy. Hearst Ridge possesses vast
vineyards from which white and red wines are made. Spanish Earth is the
technology center of the planet. Sunset is the home of the planet’s
fishing industry while Three Sisters is the main marketplace for the
Plains of Rohan. Delesandri Downs is known for horse breeding, racing,
and riding.
Hunting, camping, sailing, and river-rafting facilities are available
year around on Enya. The planet’s motto is: "If you can’t find
it here, you aren’t really looking."