USS Lexington - Captain's Quarters
While Captain Bo Donati prepared two glasses of brandy, Vice Admiral
Alisha Black decided to take a tour of his quarters. The walls of his
living area were garnished with various displays of the wonders of the
universe. On a small corner table stood a model of his first command.
The USS Diligence, which had been destroyed by the Jirzzaque. Alisha
touched the light panel as she entered his bedroom. There she discovered
his more personal possessions. Holographs of his children crowed his
dressing table. Then she spotted another holograph placed on a table
near his bed. She turned it and was delighted to see herself there. It
was the holograph she had created for him after their first night
together as lovers. They had just finished making love and she wanted to
give him something to remind him of the evening... After all, she kept
his white duty shirt. A pair of arms circled her slim waist and a warm
body pressed against her.
"I see you keep this holograph in a tactically sound position."
Alisha smiled as his hands opened her jacket. She leaned back into him
letting her head rest against his shoulder. Alisha was rewarded with a
long kiss to her neck.
"It's the last thing I see when I sleep and the first when I wake."
He said sliding his hands over her shirt and resting them on her
breasts. Alisha sighed and closed her eyes thinking, please God, no red
alerts tonight...
Cathedral Sector - USS Lexington
Captains Log: Stardate: 2311.27.02. Donati recording. The
Lexington has arrived at the Cathedral sector and we have immediately
begun scanning the shipyards as well as the surrounding sectors of
space. The Cathedral station has suffered heavy damage. Our estimate is
that one-third of the yards have been destroyed. With the stations
communications down, we can only assume their causalities are high... My
science officers have been given the task of discerning the ion trail of
the prototype battleship Bismarck. Once discovered, we will proceed on
that course... The Lexington will rendezvous with the Starship Saratoga
within the hour... Donati, commanding USS Lexington, out...
Donati pressed a button on the arm of the command chair ending the
entry. To his right stood Admiral Black. She was staring stone-faced at
the main view screen which pictured the severely damaged station.
"The Bismarck packs quite a wallop." The Admiral commented.
"It appears so." The Captain replied.
"Captain, I've established communications with the station."
Lieutenant Commander Skye reported from her console. "I have a Commander
"On screen Jena." Donati stood as the viewer dissolved into the face
of a very haggard appearing Starfleet officer. "Respond Commander."
"Yes sir." He said. "In a nutshell Captain, a Jirzzaque force
commandeered the Bismarck and used her guns against us. You've seen the
damage. I don't know what kept the rest of the station together."
"Causalities?" The Captain asked.
'Two-hundred and twenty-one dead and missing... Another one-hundred
and eighty three wounded."
"Do you need additional medical personnel?"
"Yes sir." He said with a crack in his voice. "Sick Bay was part of
the station that was disintegrated."
"Understood." Donati said. "I'll have a team assembled and beamed
over immediately." Then he realized the Commander's confidence could use
boost. "You've done a hell of a job over there Commander."
"Thank you sir." He replied appreciating the words of praise. "Parson
out. . :'
"Commander Bay." Donati said to his half Klingon first officer.
"Coordinate with medical. I want a full triage team over there ASAP...
Anyone we can spare."
"Yes Captain." She replied and exited the bridge.
Donati walked to the science station and tried to peer over the
shoulder of his science officer. "Anything Cami?" He asked.
"I have a faint ion trail bearing 23(3 mark 10 sir." She replied as
she adjusted her instruments. "It could be the Bismarck."
"Stev, lock navigation into the sensors. Ready impulse engines."
"Plotted and laid in Captain," His Vulcan CONN officer said.
"Sir I'm picking up a ship on long range sensors. . ." Sabin
interjected. "It's the Saratoga."
"Right on schedule." Donati commented. "Now we can get this show on
the road..."
Cathedral Station - Detention Area
Captain Kit Donaree of the Saratoga and Captain Donati decided to
meet aboard the Cathedral station and witness the destruction first
hand. After a cursory tour of the damaged sections Commander Parson led
them to the detention area saying that he had something unusual to show
them. While the Captains believed that all was in order Donati nodded to
Donaree while simultaneously touching his phaser... Donaree understood.
"We have a prisoner." Parson explained.
"A prisoner?" Captain Donaree asked. "A Jirzzaque?"
"In a way." He said. "I'm not Doctor but it's as though a Jirzzaque
has taken over the body of a Starfleet officer."
"How?" Donati questioned.
"That's all I know sir." He replied. "He was caught sabotaging some
of our systems... Ever since then he's been ranting like a madman.
Saying things like the Federation will fall and Starfleet will be
Captain Donati raised an eyebrow but held his comment...
The force field to the detention cell was lowered and the three
officers stepped inside. There secured to a bed was a human Starfleet
This is your spy?" Kit asked.
"I'm no spy!" The man spat. "I am a patriot! Warrior of the
"You're not like any Jirzzaque I've ever met." Donati said.
"There are more of us!" He strained against the bindings. "We're
everywhere! You think you're strong! You are weak! It Is the Jirzzaque
that will rule the universe!"
Kit eyed Donati. "I think we've seen enough."
"Agreed." Bo said then to Parson. "I'll have someone examine him."
"Of course sir."
Then as they were leaving the cell Captain Donati turned back to the
prisoner. "If the Jirzzaque are so strong why do they hide instead of
facing us and fighting us like true warriors?" The officer seethed and
his bindings bit into his arms and legs. Donati grinned and walked
USS Lexington-Conference Room One
It was the strangest thing." Donaree said. 'While he appeared to be a
human, he WAS a Jirzzaque... I just can't explain how they're doing it."
"No holography, no implants." Bo added. "I think we are dealing with
a new type of Jirzzaque technology."
"Possibly some type of direct mind control." Kit summarized.
"I believe I have the answer." Admiral Black said. "When I boarded
the Lexington I received a priority one dispatch from Fleet Admiral
Brannon." Her cat-like eyes moved from one Captain to the next. "The
science vessel Einstein has discovered technology whereby the conscience
of a Jirzzaque is transplanted into a humanoid... Admiral Brannon
explained that the 'hosts' conscience was subdued somehow in the process
yet the person’s life experiences and general knowledge are available
for the Jirzzaque to call upon."
"The perfect spy," Bo said.
"How do we detect them Admiral?" Kit asked.
"Aside from behavioral aberrations, we don't." Alisha answered. "At
least we haven't found any way to detect them at this time... I should
point out that anyone has had direct contact with the Jirzzaque is
suspect." This time her eyes locked with Bo's. "Anyone could be a
Jirzzaque agent,"
"How do we proceed, Admiral?" Donaree asked.
"If you alert your staffs you may start a witch hunt... Your crews
will be too busy suspecting each other to do their jobs correctly. . .
It may be best to proceed as normal, as if this conversation never took
place." The raven haired Admiral replied.
"Then I say we should begin to follow the ion trail our sensors have
discovered." Donati said.
"Agreed." Kit replied. 'The Saratoga will launch two fighter
squadrons to enhance our long range reconnaissance. . ."
"And may I suggest that both of the ship stay at Yellow alert." Black
"Of course." Bo replied.
"Captain Donati and I have discussed possible scenarios of this
mission at length." The Admiral said. "The one constant is that the
Jirzzaque be denied the Bismarck by any means available to us."
USS Lexington - VIP Stateroom
Admiral Black hoped to distract Bo from the disclosure she had made
earlier in the conference room. She donned a sexy negligee she had
purchased on Aldebaran and wrapped herself in a white silk robe. As she
was tying the sash Bo arrived. His expression told her that even If she
had been naked he wouldn't have noticed.
'When were you going to tell me about the new Jirzzaque technology?"
Bo stiffly asked.
"In due time." Alisha simply said.
"In due time! Don't you think 1 should have been briefed immediately?
I have a ship and crew at stake here!"
Alisha answered him with silence. She knew no matter what she said
would be taken out of context.
"You suspected me?"
"That is not true." Alisha sighed exasperated. "I was under orders to
observe you."
"I suppose Aldebaran was all just an elaborate ruse to gain your
trust." He said feeling his temper rising.
"I was doing my job!" The Admiral spat. "If the situation was
reversed, you would have done the same!"
Somehow Bo held his tongue. He decided it was time to withdraw before
it got any worse.
"I'm due on the bridge." He said as he turned to leave. "Unless you
don't think I can be trusted?"
Alisha dismissed him with a wave of her hand. She had not meant to
hurt his feelings but orders were orders and their duty to the Fleet
came before any personal relationship. At least that is what they agreed
"What have I done?" She whispered aloud thinking she had just
irreparably damaged their relationship..,
USS Saratoga - Main Bridge
"Saratoga this is Dark Angel Four, do you copy?"
"We copy DA Four." The communications officer said.
"My sensors have picked up the presence of three major Jirzzaque
vessels. Coordinates, two, two eight mark zero seven nine."
"Any sign of the Bismarck?" Captain Donaree asked.
"That’s a negative sir... Stand by... Sensors indicated a number of
smaller craft, possibly attack vessels."
"Understood DA Four." The Captain said. "Stay out of their sensor
range and stand by for further orders."
"Roger that Saratoga." DA Four signed off.
USS Lexington - Captain's Ready Room
"Captain, the Saratoga is hailing us." Lieutenant Commander Jana Skye
said from the monitor on his desk.
"Patch It through." He said.
"Bo, one of my recon ships has discovered a Jirzzaque task force
consisting of at least three capital ships and an undermined number of
fighters at coordinate 228 mark 079."
"Our welcoming committee." Donati commented as he scanned the local
star charts on another screen. "I suggest that the Saratoga deploy all
of its remaining embarked craft and attack... The Lexington will be on a
parallel course to coordinates 293 mark 079.
"You'll out flank them." Kit said.
"That is my intention."
"Bo, may I remind you that they have three capital ships to our two?"
"That's their problem Kit." Bo grinned.
Captain Donaree didn't know him well enough to be sure if he was
being confident or just plain cocky. Her gut Instinct told her that she
was lucky to be fighting with him and not against him. A smile slowly
grew on her face. . . "Give 'em hell Captain!"
The two Starships went to battle stations and the Saratoga's
remaining fighters were launched. The Lexington broke away from the
staging area. Its arced course would bring the ship to a position
five-thousand kilometers starboard of the Saratoga’s attack thrust.
The Jirzzaque fleet rose to the bait committing all but one of its
capital ships. The Nighthawks and Dark Angels rocketed into the fray
spewing their deadly ordinance. The Jirzzaque fighters suffered heavily
from the initial salvos from their Federation counterparts. The
Nighthawks were able to target the Jirzzaque warships uncontested. The
Saratoga followed firing at will and it destroyed a handful of fighters
and severely damaged a warship. As the Jirzzaque regrouped for a counter
attack the Lexington dropped from warp directly behind them. Before the
Jirzzaque could target the new threat the Lexington opened fire
concentrating on the two warships.
The first Jirzzaque ship, previously damaged by the Saratoga and
Nighthawks, staggered under the assault. Another well placed torpedo
from a Nighthawk ripped into the ships engineering section and the enemy
ship exploded.
"One down, two to go." Tactical officer Chandos announced from his
"Sir, we've got company." Lieutenant Commander Smith reported from
OPS. "The last Jirzzaque is on an intercept course."
"Mister Stev, one-hundred and eighty degrees about!" Captain Donati
ordered. As the Lexington spun to meet the warship head on, the ship
took multiple hits to its secondary hull.
"Shields holding at eighty-seven percent, Captain." Commander Wilson
announced from damage control.
The third warship opened up with all of its weapons striking the
saucer section of the Lexington. A number of the bridge crew was thrown
from their seats and communications was flooded with reports of
"Forward shields down to fifty-eight percent of capacity sir." Wilson
said with an edge of fear in her voice.
"Hold your fire Mister Chandos." Donati calmly said.
"Sir, they're preparing another salvo!" Commander Sabin said reading
the energy build-up on her sensors.
"Fire phasers!" Donati commanded. "Torpedoes away!"
The Lexington shuddered as the torpedoes left their tubes. On the
main view screen the Jirzzaque ship foundered and appeared unable to
continue to battle.
"Captain! I have an unauthorized transport!" Smith reported.
"Origin and destination?"
One of our cargo bays." Smith said, "I cannot determine the
"Alert security, we may have an intruder." Donati ordered then turned
his attention back to the situation at hand. "Bring us around Stev...
Course one nine three mark three one."
"Aye sir." The Vulcan replied in his usual business like tone.
"Captain, we just lost phaser control!" Chandos said his fingers
flying over his console desperately trying to correct the problem.
"Confirmed!" Smith chimed in.
"Forward photons are going inoperative as well sir!"
"Damage?" The Captain asked.
"None detected." Smith supplied. "The systems appear to be cut off
from engineering."
Donati slammed his hand down on the arm of the command chair.
"Engineering! We've lost power to the weapons! Report!" The Captain's
request was met with an eerie silence. "T'Ayia, report! Damnit! Security
to engineering! Stay, evasive maneuvers alpha two!"
USS Saratoga -Main Bridge
"What the hell is going on over there?" Captain Donaree asked.
"Sensors indicate that the Lexington's weapons are off line Captain."
"Contact Dark Angels five through twelve. Order them to provide
protective cover for the Lexington." Kit said to communications officer
M'Reia. "Commander Brannon, close the gap between us... When in range
fire at will!"
USS Lexington - Engineering
Ensign Gallo to the point position as the security team reached
engineering. The doors hissed open and he cautiously moved inside. Gallo
slid around a power conduit and he witnessed Lieutenant JG Cole holding
Yeoman Grande by the throat. Her feet were completely off the floor and
it was obvious that she was being choked to death. As Gallo quickly
checked the setting on his phaser Cole looked at the Yeoman in disbelief
and released his grip. She tried to cling to his arm as she sank to the
floor but suddenly Cole's expression transformed into a sinister sneer
and he violently shoved her. Grande's body careened off the bulkhead and
crumpled to the deck...
"Stand away from that console!" Gallo ordered.
Cole picked up a phaser and fired a clumsy shot at Gallo. The
security officer sighted down the length of his arm and fired striking
Cole in the chest. Slowly Cole dropped to his knees and fell to the deck
Gallo kept his phaser trained on Cole as he assessed the Yeoman's
injuries. She didn't appear to be breathing and her pulse was very weak.
"Sick Bay this is Gallo in engineering!" He shouted into the comm.
panel. "We have a medical emergency!"
USS Saratoga -Main Bridge
The Saratoga's shields took a pounding as it closed in on the
Lexington's position. Luckily the Dark Angels had destroyed nearly all
of their Jirzzaque counterparts. The Jirzzaques were too busy fighting
for their lives to attack either the Saratoga or Lexington.
The second Jirzzaque warship slid between the Saratoga and her
intended course. The tactically brazen maneuver sealed its fate. Four
Nighthawk heavy fighters launched their torpedoes and vectored to safety
just as the Saratoga fired its main armament. The Jirzzaque's shields
buckled under the combined assault. Bluish-green electrical discharges
danced on its hull plating and the ships major systems overloaded…
"She's gonna blow!" Commander Renkie said just seconds before it did.
Kit turned her head from the blinding flash of energy. As it subsided
she snapped back into action.
"Distance to the remaining warship?"
"Fifteen-hundred kilometers, Captain."
"Lock all weapons on target and prepare to fire!"
USS Lexington-Main Bridge
"What weapons do we have?" Captain Donati asked.
"Aft photons sir." Chandos replied.
"They'll have to do," The Captain said. "Make them count Chandos...
"Captain, I have Ensign Gallo in engineering." Skye said.
"On speakers."
"Captain, the entire engineering staff appears to have been stunned
by Lieutenant Cole." Gallo reported as the Lexington was rocked by
multiple hits. "Lieutenant Commander Llire has regained consciousness
and is effecting repairs to the weapons systems."
"Cole?" Commander Smith turned to Stev. "I don't believe it. His
implant was removed months ago!"
Without taking his eyes from the view screen Stev replied. "It would
appear that the Jirzzaque have other means by which to control us."
In engineering T'Ayia Llire was still slightly dazed as she rectified
the damage to the weapons power supply. Finally she tapped the last
component in place. "Llire to Bridge... Captain, weapon functions are
"Nice work T'Ayia! Chandos fire all weapons"
The third Jirzzaque warship was caught in crossfire between the
Saratoga and Lexington. It never had a chance. It became entombed in an
anti-matter eruption...
Dark Angels One and Two - Reconnaissance
In record time the Saratoga recovered and launched their Dark Angels
to continue long range reconnaissance. The Saratoga and Lexington made
all necessary repairs and continued on the course of the original ion
trail at half impulse...
"Black Knight to Saratoga." Lieutenant Colonel McQueen called.
"We read you DA One."
"Have an unusual energy reading from system 101 Beta. Does not appear
to be a natural phenomenon. Request Instructions."
There was a pause while the information was given to the Captain.
"Continue on assigned course DA One."
McQueen knew how important it was to keep in formation for the
reconnaissance mission but there was nothing else out there but that
unusual energy source.
"Saratoga, say again? Your last message was garbled."
"DA One, do not deviate from your flight plan!" M'Reia forcefully
"Saratoga. I am no longer reading you. My comm. system must be down.
If you can hear me I am altering course to intercept the energy source."
"I hope you know what you're doing Colonel." His wingman said as he
too altered his course to follow his commander.
Back on the bridge of the Saratoga Captain Donaree appeared calm but
inside she was seething.
"What are his coordinates?" Kit asked.
"Six three nine mark eleven. And Captain, he's almost out of sensor
"Damn you Tyton!" She cursed under her breath.
USS Lexington - Sick Bay
The battle with the Jirzzaque left both crews relatively unscathed.
The medical staff of the Lexington was concentrating their efforts on
saving the life of Yeoman Grande. Due to the quick actions of Ensign
Gallo and the medical team, Grande's breathing was restored and her
vital signs stabilized.
"That's all we can do for now." Doctor Douquat said. "The rest is up
to her."
T'Kara nodded in agreement and adjusted the bio-beds controls.
The doors to sick bay opened admitting Captain Donati. He surveyed
the main ward and found the patients to be suffering from only minor
abrasions and contusions.
His eyes came to rest on the bed containing his Yeoman. He was
furious that she had fallen victim to a Jirzzaque agent. Essentially
Kelly was a noncombatant she didn't deserve this. He walked to her bed
and stood beside Doctor T'Kara.
"How is your patient?" He asked.
"Stabilized sir." T'Kara replied. "Her throat had been crushed and
she sustained a fracture to her skull. In addition, Grande suffered a
concussion. However, all of her injuries have been alleviated
"Well done." The Captain said as Grande's eyes fluttered and she
spoke. "Karl! . . . No, please... Stop. . ."
"She has been making similar statements as she drifts in and out of
consciousness." T'Kara explained. "The Yeoman should be fully awake
within the hour... Shall I call you then sir?"
"No." He replied sliding a chair next to her bed. "I'll wait right
Dark Angels One and Two - Reconnaissance
The Dark Angels entered the solar system and vectored for the fourth
planet. Colonel McQueen knew he was pushing it by disregarding his
orders but he trusted his instincts and his instincts told him that the
energy source would lead him to the Bismarck.
"It's definitely not a natural energy source Colonel." His wingmen
"I think we should take a closer look." Tyton said.
"May I remind the Colonel that we're doing this solo?"
"Where is your sense of adventure DA 2?" McQueen asked.
"Must have left it on the Saratoga." He replied. "Sir, my sensors are
picking up something from the surface... Could be a base."
"I see it." Tyton said as he viewed his scanner. "Must have some type
of dampening field around it. My scans are bouncing right back to me."
Just over the planets horizon the Dark Angels sensors locked onto a
massive triple nacelle starship.
"Hello Bismarck!" Wolfman said. "Look at the size of her!"
Colonel McQueen was impressed. He'd seen a lot of starships but it
was obvious that the Bismarck was built for one purpose… battle.
McQueen's sensors informed him that the ship was running with its
shields down.
"Wolfman, arm your weapons," Tyton ordered.
"Colonel, we're going to fight that thing? Alone?"
"Arm your weapons." Tyton repeated except that this time his voice
carried the edge of authority.
"Roger, arming weapons." Wolfman said and silently prayed that he'd
survive the day.
USS Lexington - Sick Bay
Yeoman Grande woke with a start as if she was reliving the incident
in engineering. She sat up in the bed and her eyes darted around the
room. Her sharp intake of breath brought Captain Donati to his feet. He
instinctively reached for her quivering hand.
"How are you feeling?" He asked,
"A bit... shaken sir," She replied with a hoarse voice.
"You gave us quite a scare Kelly." He smiled. "Doctor T'Kara assures
me that you will be back on your feet in no time."
"Where's... where is Karl?" She asked her voice cracking with
"He's confined," Donati said then added. "For observation."
Kelly nodded as the tears poured from her blue eyes. "I loved him and
he tried to kill me." She said as she leaned against him.
The Captain placed his arms around her attempting to give her some
"I know, but, it may not have been his fault." Bo said and he
proceeded to inform her about the new Jirzzaque technology...
From across the room Admiral Black had seen all she needed to see.
She felt like a fool! Alisha had come to Sick Bay to find Bo so that
they could work out their differences. Instead she watched as Bo and his
young Yeoman displayed a relationship that was obviously more than
purely professional. The Admiral slipped out of the room as quietly as
she came. So that's the way it is. She thought as a wave of jealous
anger washed over her...
Dark Angels One and Two - Contact
The two outgunned fighters attacked the Bismarck. The Jirzzaque's in
control of the battleship were slow to respond and Colonel McQueen
launched a torpedo that slammed into its portside nacelle strut.
"Damn good shot Colonel!" Wolfman said as he fired his weapons. This
time the Bismarck was ready and its shields barely felt the impact.
"Colonel? Did you see that? My torpedoes just bounced off!"
"Let's get out of here!" McQueen said realizing that their element of
surprise had quickly evaporated.
The two fighters turned in unison and enabled their boosters. As
Colonel McQueen prepared to make another course adjustment the
battleship fired back. Even though the Jirzzaque were inexperienced with
the Bismarck controls they didn't need to be very accurate to inflict
"I'm hit!" Wolfman said. "Lost a starboard thruster. . .
"Wolfman, get back to the Saratoga." McQueen ordered. "Let them know
about that probable base. . ."
"I can't make it." Tyton said. "All propulsion systems are down and
I'm caught in the planets gravity... Looks like I'm going in."
"I'll stay with you!" His wingman vowed.
"Negative DA Two. You have to get that information back to the
Captain." McQueen said. "And tell the Captain... I'm sorry. . ."
"Roger that Colonel. . ."
USS Lexington - Detention Area
Admiral Black decided to interrogate the prisoner and attempt to
elicit any information which would help them in finding the Bismarck.
She crept up on the cell and peered inside. The blond haired man's eyes
were closed and he appeared to be sleeping...
"Vice Admiral Alisha Black." He said as his eyes snapped open.
Though startled, she was able to keep her composure. "You have me at
a disadvantage." She said. "Who are you?"
"Lieutenant JG Karl Cole." He smiled.
"I know what you are!" Alisha responded to his lie. "You don't have
to pretend any more."
The man's hands clenched into fists and his face became a mask of
"I am Subadar Dorax of the Jirzzaque Confederacy." He growled.
"Satisfied, you Federation bitch?"