Name: Lieutenant JG T’Pau
Position: Physician, Beta Shift
Birth world: Vulcan
Age: 95 (Vulcan years)

Personal Data:

Height: 5’11"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Sex: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet
Race: Vulcan

Immediate Family:

Mother: T’Mollare – Microbiologist Vulcan Academy of Science
Father: Tau’Poula – Physics Professor at Vulcan Academy of Science
Brother/Sisters: 0
Spouse: 0
Children: 0

Physical Appearance: T’Pau is tall, thin and very shapely. She is the perfect 36-24-36 that human men are looking for. She has very long black hair that further accentuates her violet eyes (violet and deep purple eyes are considered genetic errors that are usually corrected at birth). T’Pau’s parents did not consider it logical for an infant to have surgery and believed it better that T’Pau decide when she reached the age of majority, 50 in earth years, and she decided not to have the surgery. T’Pau maintains her physical appearance through rigorous training using a variety of Martial Arts from Earth, Vulcan, Mars and Klingon. She maintains not only her physical but mental sharpness by meditation practices from Asian cultures of Earth and disciples of the Vulcan Arts.

Personality: T’Pau is your "typical" Vulcan. She uses logic and scientific reasoning in all of her medical diagnosis. She is always prepared. T’Pau takes great pains to maintain her mediation rituals and is interested in various rituals of other cultures and races that have been discovered. She is always learning and willing to teach whomever is looking and striving for perfection. Logic is not only a part of her discipline but a part of her soul as well.

History: T’Mollare met Tau’Poula at the Vulcan Science Academy when they were mere students. They continued a friendship from the first year of attendance at the academy through to graduation. Both of them came from outer tribes on Vulcan and were not "pledged" in marriage to anyone. They cared for each other greatly and eventually married, with the sanction of the Vulcan Government. Within a year of their marriage T’Pau was born.

T’Pau was given every opportunity of education. She attained honors from her first year in pre-school through to her own graduation from medical school. She practiced medicine in the City of Romulac for more than 30 earth years before deciding to attend Starfleet Academy.

T’Mollare and Tau’Poula did not see the logic of joining Starfleet, but did support their daughter in her decision. She was first in her class upon graduation. T’Pau chose to go to the Starfleet Academy Hospital and work for several years before going into space. She was doing a great deal of research on the various mediation practices on Earth, Mars and the Moon Colonies. T’Pau had written several papers concerning the practices of Tibetans, Buddhists and Hindis.

T’Pau was assigned to the USS CONSTITUTION as a Beta shift doctor. She served aboard the CONSTITUTION for 6 years before being reassigned to the USS PEGASUS and finally the USS PHOENIX.

T’Pau continues to write papers concerning the various mediation practices of the races she has encountered in her travels