Physical Appearance: Petite but powerful, Tamara Jade trains her body
rigorously. Her long, silken black hair is worn tied back. Tamara’s captivating
eyes glitter the green and blue of the Mediterranean Sea. Her skin has the olive
tint of the Daughters of the East. Her age is difficult to discern. As needed,
Tamara can take on the youthfulness of a teenager, or the mature features of an
older woman.
Personality: Tamara is quick witted and even tempered. She is confident,
graceful, and can easily blend with various crowds. Her slight build and
reserved personality tend to disarm suspicion… good for her friends, a lethal
mistake for enemies. Tamara is devoted unto death to her charge, only love and
husband, Seth Alexander Kennedy.
Other Pertinent Data: Although Tamara Jade does not shun friendship; she
remains a mystery to all but her soul mate, Seth. Though she normally appears to
be younger than Seth, Tamara’s Rite of Passage into adulthood came prior to the
birth of her beloved husband.
Armed or unarmed, Tamara is a lethal weapon.
History: Little is publicly known of Tamara Jade. Known only to
certain individuals in Starfleet Command and to Seth is the fact that Tamara has
served as Seth’s mentor and bodyguard since just after his birth. The legacy of
Seth’s family nearly destroyed Tamara and Seth in a partially successful attempt
to assassinate the Kennedy entourage. Seth’s parents did not survive. Found
floating in a life pod, Seth and Tamara were taken to the Third Fleet Space
Station, Flying Cloud, in orbit around Enya. The couple fell in love, made their
home on the planet and was married.
They soon found themselves attending Enya’s Starfleet Academy, and then
working in Starfleet Intelligence. They accepted posting aboard the USS PHOENIX
NCC 2315 when offered the opportunity to work with Starfleet’s latest spy
technology, SMIDGEN.