

Name: Ensign Kirelian Berger
Position: Security Officer Beta Watch
Birthworld: unknown
Age: 24 Standard Earth years (2295)

Personal Data:

Height: 6’
Weight: 200 lbs.
Sex: Male
Hair: Jet Black
Eyes: Hazel
Race: Human

Immediate family:

Parents: Unknown
Step Father: Tiberius Berger
Step Mother: Stephanie Berger
Siblings: none
Marital Status: Single
Children: None

Physical appearance: Ensign Berger is athletically built with strong muscle tone. To remain in shape, he enjoys lifting weights, riding bikes and scuba diving. Quite attractive he has the agility of a child.

Personality: Kirelian is strong willed and independent. This stemmed from his childhood; he relies on himself instead of others to get things done. He will offer help to others in times of need. Kirelian is fiercely loyal to his friends and comrades; in a way they become his family.

Other Pertinent Data: Kirelian Berger has a love of music. In his spare time he will perform using a variety of instruments or singing vocal with background music playing. Kirelian will entertain the crew in the recreation room when requested.

History: Alone, Kirelian was abandoned at a young age of two. Born on an unknown planet, he lived with his parents for the first two years of his life. However, his parents had restless spirits and decided to roam the galaxy. Planet hopping, they landed on a planet, where they left Kirelian. Both of them didn’t want him because it took time away from their carefree lifestyle they left him to fend for himself.

For several days Kirelian was alone until a science vessel came into orbit to survey the planet. A security officer by the name of Tiberuis Berger found him and took him under his wing. He notified his wife, who lived on earth to see if she would care for him, which she agreed. Plans were made to transport him to his new home. There he grew up listening to stories from his step dad about life as a security officer and all of the traveling and responsibility that was entailed

This is where Kirelian began his interest in the security field. For most of his life he was exposed to this lifestyle, so it was the natural thing in the world to do, to pursue as a career.

Kirelian, at 18, entered Starfleet Academy. He excelled at the Academy. The USS PHOENIX is his first tour of duty aboard a deep space mission. Kirelian is content with the position for now, desiring to go further up in the rank of command.